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Деловой английский. Ускоренный курс - учебное пособие

ББК 81.2Англ-9


Автор благодарит Victor A. Hill, руководителя английской фирмы International Management Development, London и L.P. Todd, руководителя американской фирмы International Business Development Council, Princeton за помощь в создании учебника

Главный редактор издательства Н.Д. Эриашвили

Шевелева С.А.

Ш37 Деловой английский. Ускоренный курс: Учебник. – М.: Культура и спорт, ЮНИТИ, 1997. - 438 с.

ISBN 5-85178-053-3.

Учебник делового английского построен на реальных ситуациях делового общения с зарубежными партнерами. Представлены такие темы, как финансы, платежи, контракты, балансы, бухгалтерский учет, налоги банки и т.д.

За 200 часов (50 уроков) самостоятельных занятий читатель сможет освоить необходимую лексику и грамматические правила и вести деловые переговоры, переписку, обсуждать многие тематические вопросы и т.д.

ISBN 5-85178-053-3

ББК 88.2Aнгл-9

© С.А. Шевелева, 1997

© ЮНИТИ, 1997


Introduction....................................................................................................................................................................................................... 4

Unit one .............................................................................................................................................................................................................. 5

Meeting an English businessman................................................................................................................................................................... 5

Unit two .............................................................................................................................................................................................................. 8

Speak with Englishmen!................................................................................................................................................................................... 8

Unit three ......................................................................................................................................................................................................... 12

The Russia hotel.............................................................................................................................................................................................. 12

Unit four ........................................................................................................................................................................................................... 16

At the restaurant............................................................................................................................................................................................. 16

Unit five ............................................................................................................................................................................................................ 21

Small talk......................................................................................................................................................................................................... 21

Unit six .............................................................................................................................................................................................................. 24

Making an appointment................................................................................................................................................................................ 24

Unit seven......................................................................................................................................................................................................... 26

Business............................................................................................................................................................................................................ 26

Unit eight ......................................................................................................................................................................................................... 30

A business talk................................................................................................................................................................................................. 30

Unit nine........................................................................................................................................................................................................... 35

Details............................................................................................................................................................................................................... 35

Unit ten ............................................................................................................................................................................................................. 39

Contract............................................................................................................................................................................................................ 39

Unit eleven ....................................................................................................................................................................................................... 43

Fax messages................................................................................................................................................................................................... 43

Unit twelve ....................................................................................................................................................................................................... 47

Telephoning..................................................................................................................................................................................................... 47

Unit thirteen..................................................................................................................................................................................................... 52

Travelling.......................................................................................................................................................................................................... 52

Unit fourteen.................................................................................................................................................................................................... 57

Passports........................................................................................................................................................................................................... 57

Unit fifteen ....................................................................................................................................................................................................... 61

Luggage and customs.................................................................................................................................................................................... 61

Unit sixteen ...................................................................................................................................................................................................... 65

Meetings........................................................................................................................................................................................................... 65

Unit seventeen .................................................................................................................................................................................................... 68

Hotel in London.............................................................................................................................................................................................. 68

Unit eighteen ................................................................................................................................................................................................... 71

Training programme....................................................................................................................................................................................... 71

Unit nineteen ................................................................................................................................................................................................... 75

Trade finance.................................................................................................................................................................................................. 75

Unit twenty ....................................................................................................................................................................................................... 79

Banking............................................................................................................................................................................................................ 79

Unit twenty one ............................................................................................................................................................................................... 83

The Bank of England..................................................................................................................................................................................... 83

Unit twenty two ............................................................................................................................................................................................... 87

The underground............................................................................................................................................................................................. 87

Unit twenty three ............................................................................................................................................................................................ 91

The buses.......................................................................................................................................................................................................... 91

Unit twenty four .............................................................................................................................................................................................. 93

Changing money............................................................................................................................................................................................. 93

Unit twenty five ............................................................................................................................................................................................... 97

Hotel services................................................................................................................................................................................................... 97

Unit twenty six .............................................................................................................................................................................................. 100

Madame Tussaud's...................................................................................................................................................................................... 100

Unit twenty seven ......................................................................................................................................................................................... 103

Accounting..................................................................................................................................................................................................... 103

Unit twenty eight .......................................................................................................................................................................................... 107

Balance sheets.............................................................................................................................................................................................. 107

Unit twenty nine ........................................................................................................................................................................................... 110

Taxes.............................................................................................................................................................................................................. 110

Unit thirty ...................................................................................................................................................................................................... 114

Value added tax (VAT)............................................................................................................................................................................... 114

Unit thirty one ............................................................................................................................................................................................... 118

Shopping........................................................................................................................................................................................................ 118

Unit thirty two ............................................................................................................................................................................................... 122

Entertainments.............................................................................................................................................................................................. 122

Unit thirty three ............................................................................................................................................................................................ 125

The British pub.............................................................................................................................................................................................. 125

Unit thirty four .............................................................................................................................................................................................. 127

Greenwich and the Thames........................................................................................................................................................................ 127

Unit thirty five ............................................................................................................................................................................................... 132

Business contacts......................................................................................................................................................................................... 132

Unit thirty six ................................................................................................................................................................................................ 136

At the office................................................................................................................................................................................................... 136

Unit thirty seven ........................................................................................................................................................................................... 139

The goods to be bought............................................................................................................................................................................... 139

Unit thirty eight ............................................................................................................................................................................................ 142

Ordering the devices..................................................................................................................................................................................... 142

Unit thirty nine ............................................................................................................................................................................................. 146

Prices............................................................................................................................................................................................................... 146

Unit forty ........................................................................................................................................................................................................ 149

Contracts in foreign trade........................................................................................................................................................................... 149

Unit forty one ................................................................................................................................................................................................ 154

London taxis................................................................................................................................................................................................. 154

Unit forty two ................................................................................................................................................................................................ 158

London and the City.................................................................................................................................................................................... 158

Unit forty three ............................................................................................................................................................................................. 162

Driving a car.................................................................................................................................................................................................. 162

Unit forty four ............................................................................................................................................................................................... 165

Windsor and Eton......................................................................................................................................................................................... 165

Unit forty five ................................................................................................................................................................................................ 169

Payments in international trade................................................................................................................................................................. 169

Unit forty six .................................................................................................................................................................................................. 172

Problems settled............................................................................................................................................................................................ 172

Unit forty seven ............................................................................................................................................................................................. 176

Mass media................................................................................................................................................................................................... 176

Unit forty eight ............................................................................................................................................................................................. 180

Financial news............................................................................................................................................................................................... 180

Unit forty nine ............................................................................................................................................................................................... 183

A visit to Oxford........................................................................................................................................................................................... 183

Unit fifty ......................................................................................................................................................................................................... 186

Good-bye to London................................................................................................................................................................................... 186

English-Russian Vocabulary...................................................................................................................................................................... 188

English-Russian phrases on business........................................................................................................................................................ 224


Дорогие читатели!

Если вы когда-либо изучали английский язык и практически его забыли, но сейчас вам нужен английский язык для делового обще­ния, мы надеемся, что именно этот учебник поможет вам.

Учебник построен на реальных ситуациях общения с англий­скими и американскими бизнесменами в России, Англии и США. В нем представлены такие темы, как:

• Обучение специалистов

• Финансирование внешней торговли

• Платежи

• Контракты, запросы, предложения

• Посещения фирм и предприятий

• Финансовая деятельность

• Балансы, бухгалтерский учет

• Банки и т.д.

Учебник содержит диалоги по этим темам, деловую перепис­ку, а также интересные страноведческие сведения.

Учебник поможет вам вести деловые переговоры, телефон­ные деловые разговоры, а также активно участвовать в различ­ных деловых встречах.

К текстам даются словарные пояснения, грамматические правила и упражнения. Они помогут вам лучше запомнить слова и научиться правильно употреблять их в своей речи, а также по­нимать собеседника, говорящего на английском языке.

Приводится также общий словарь слов и словосочетаний, вошедших в учебник, и краткий словарь деловой лексики по темам, изучаемым в учебнике.

При создании учебника автор использовала свой практиче­ский опыт общения с зарубежными бизнесменами и опыт пе­дагогической работы по обучению взрослых деловому общению на английском языке.


Методические рекомендации для преподавателей

1. Ускоренный курс делового английского языка рассчитан на 200 часов, на изучение каждого из 50 уроков (Unit) предпо­лагается 4 часа.

2. Учитывая реальные возможности обучающихся, основную работу лучше проводить на занятиях и не рассчитывать, что они будут выполнять большие домашние задания. Домашним заданием может быть чтение и просмотр текста или выполнение письменно тех упражнений, которые вы успели сделать на занятиях устно.

3. Большое внимание следует уделять фонетике, используя ра­боту хором, повторы за преподавателем в нужном темпе. Для этого в каждом уроке даны упражнения: Read the following. Для отработки фонетических навыков целесообразно использовать диалоги.

4. Грамматический материал лучше объяснять, используя русский язык. Не следует ожидать от обучающихся безошибоч­ного говорения на английском языке. Важнее научить их гово­рить достаточно быстро с правильной в целом интонацией и са­мое главное понимать речь собеседника на слух.

5. На занятиях преподаватель должен в основном говорить на английском языке. Не следует исправлять все ошибки обу­чающихся, особенно если они не искажают смысла высказыва­ния и не мешают пониманию. Если же вы хотите исправить ошибку, лучше сделать это вполголоса, как бы незаметно, или переспросив, подсказывая правильный вариант.

6. Как вы обратите внимание, все упражнения строятся во­круг ситуации урока и от этого лучше не отступать. Хочется на­деяться, что это поможет создать у обучающихся более прочные ассоциативные связи.

7. Каждое занятие лучше заканчивать подведением итогов самими обучающимися с рассказом о том, что они узнали на занятии или из урока.

8. Показателем овладения учащимися материалом могут слу­жить упражнения типа Complete the dialogues and act out similar ones, предложенные практически в каждом уроке.

Итоговый контроль также лучше проводить в форме диалогов.

Автор будет признателен за все замечания и советы, которые у вас несомненно появятся при работе с учебником.

Unit one

Meeting an English businessman


David Hill, an English businessman, is at Sheremetievo airport in Moscow. Pete and Nick, Russian businessmen, are at the air­port to meet Mr. Hill.

Pete: Hello, Mr. Hill!

David: Hello, Pete! It is so good to see you! Thank you for meeting me.

Pete: I am very glad to see you too. Can I introduce my friend and colleague Nick?

David: How do you do, Nick?

Nick: How do you do, David? I'm glad to meet you.

And they shake hands. In Britain most people shake hands when they meet someone for the first time. It is not usual to shake hands when you say good-bye or when you meet again later.

Pete: Follow me please, David. Watch the step!Our car is in the parking area.

Words and expressions

Слова и выражения

unit ['ju:nIt] блок,урок
one [wön] один (числ.)
meeting ['mÖtIÎ] встреча
to meet встречать
a [@] неопределенный ар­тикль (ставится перед существитель­ными, не пере­водится)
businessman ['bIznIsm{n] бизнесмен
businessmen [''bIznIsmen] бизнесмены
text [tekst] текст
at [@t] в
airport ['е@рþt] аэропорт
English ['IÎgliS] английский
is [Iz] есть (гл. to be в 3-м лице ед.ч.)
to be [t@' bÖ] быть
in [in] в
Russian ['röS@n] русский
are [Ó] есть (глагол to be во 2-м лице мн. ч.)
the [D@] определенный артикль (ставится перед суще­ствительными, н е переводится)
hello [h@'lou] привет
it [It] это
so [sou] так
good [gud] хороший, хорошо
to see [sÖ] видеть
you [jü] вы
It is so good to see you! Я так рад видеть вас.
to thank [T{Îk] благодарить
Thank you. Спасибо.
for [f@] для
me [mÖ] меня, мне
Thank you for meeting me. Спасибо, что встре­тили меня.
I [aI] я
am ('m) [{m(m)] есть (глагол to be в 1-м лице ед.ч.)
very ['verI] очень
glad [gl{d] довольный
I am very glad to see you. Очень рад видеть вас.
too [tu:] тоже
can [k{n] мочь, иметь возмож­ность, уметь
to introduce [,Intr@'dju:s] представить
my [maI] мой
friend [frend] друг
and [{nd] и
colleague ['koli:g] коллега, сотрудник
Can 1 introduce my colleague? Разрешите предста­вить моего коллегу.
How do you do? Здравствуйте.
they [DeI] они
to shake [SeIk] пожимать, трясти
hand (s) [h{nd (z)] рука (и)
They shake hands. Они пожимают друг другу руки.
Britain ['brIt@n] Британия, Англия
most [moust] наибольший
people [pÖpl] люди
most people большинство людей
when [wen] когда
someone ['sömwön] кто-нибудь
first [fýst] первый
time [taIm] время, раз
for the first time впервые, первый раз
not [not] не, нет
usual ['ju:Zu@l] обычный
It is not usual... Обычно ... не ...
to say [seI] говорить
good-bye [,gud 'baI] до свидания
to say good-bye прощаться
or [þ] или
again [@'geIn] снова
later ['leIt@] позже
to follow ['fol@u] следовать за
Follow me. Идите за мной.
please [pli:z] пожалуйста
to watch [wotS] следить, наблюдать
step [step] ступенька
Watch the step, please. Осторожно, ступенька!
our [аu@] наш
car [ka:] автомобиль
parking ['pa:kiÎ] стоянка
area ['E@rI@] территория
parking area место стоянки, сто­янка
word (s) [wýd (z)] слово (а)
expression (s) [Iks'preSn(z) выражение (я)



1. Read the following (Прочитайте следующее):

• David glad car area

shake hand park parking area

later man parking

• the airport

the businessmen

the friend

the colleague

the time

the first time

the step

the parking area

• They are at the airport.

They are at the airport in Moscow.

They are at Sheremetievo airport.

The Russian businessmen are at the airport.

Later they are in the parking area.

The Russian businessmen and David are in the parking area.

2. Translate into Russian (Переведите на русский язык):

The businessmen are in the parking area.

David Hill is an English businessman.

Nick is a Russian businessman too.

They are Russians.

They are glad to see David.

David and Nick follow Pete to the car.

The car is in the parking area.

3. Make sentences and translate them into Russian (Составьте предло­жения и переведите их на русский язык):

They are in Moscow

in Sheremetievo

at Sheremetievo airport

at the airport

in the parking area

4. Insert articles (Заполните пропуски артиклями):

David is... English businessman.

Pete is... Russian businessman.

Nick is... Russian businessman too.

5. Translate into English (Переведите на английский язык):

Они бизнесмены.

Они находятся в аэропорту Шереметьево.

Они находятся в Москве.

6. Match English and Russian equivalent (Подберите английским фразам русские эквиваленты):

I am glad to meet you. Рад вас видеть

I am glad to see you. Рад с вами познакомиться.

It is so good to see you. Я так рад вас видеть!

I am very glad to see you too. Здравствуйте!

How do you do? Осторожно, ступенька.

Follow me, please. Спасибо, что вы приеха­ли меня встретить.

Watch the step. Я тоже очень рад вас ви­деть.

Thank you for meeting me. Проходите, пожалуйста, за мной.

7. Complete the dialogues and act out similar ones (Дополните диалоги и разыграйте аналогичные):

Р.: Hello, Mr. Hill!

D.: Hello, Pete! It is so good... Thank you for...

P.: I am very... too.

P.: Can I introduce my...?

D:. How..., Nick?

N.: How...? I am glad...

8. Underline the sentences true to the text (Подчеркните предложе­ния, соответствующие тексту):

Pete and David shake hands.

Nick and David shake hands.

In Britain people shake hands when they meet someone for the first time.

In Britain people shake hands when they say good-bye.

In Britain people shake hands when they meet again later.

In Russia people shake hands when they meet someone for the first time.

In Russia people shake hands when they say good-bye.

In Russia people shake hands when they meet again later.

9. Complete Pete's words (Дополните слова Петра):

Follow... please. Watch... Our car is in...

Unit two

Speak with Englishmen!


Pete, Nick and David are in the car. They are going to the centre of Moscow.

Pete: Did you have a good trip, Mr. Hill?

David: Oh, yes. The flight was quite smooth. And I'm very glad the plane came on time.

Pete: And how do you like so much snow around?

David: Oh, I like Russian winter. Our winter is different. It's much milder. Have you ever been to England, Nick?

Nick: Will you repeat it, please? My English is not good enough, I am afraid.

David: Have you been to London?

Nick: No, not yet. But I am planning to go to England in summer.

David: As a tourist?

Nick: I think so.

Pete: And here is the hotel... Let me help you with the suit case, David.

David: Thank you. That's very kind of you.

Words and expressions

Слова и выражения

two [tu:] два (числ.)
to speak [spÖk] говорить
with [wiD] с
Englishman ['iÎglISm{n] англичанин, англи­чанка
Englishmen ['iÎglISmen] англичане
Speak with Englishmen! Поговорите с англи­чанами!
to get to ... [get] добраться до
getting to ... [getIÎ] поездка до ...,
centre ['sent@] центр
of [ov] (предлог, указывает на принадлежность)
the centre of Moscow центр Москвы
getting to the centre of Moscow поездка в центр Мо­сквы, дорога до цен­тра Москвы
to have a trip [h{v] совершать поездку
Did you have a good trip? Вы хорошо доехали?
flight [flaIt] полёт
quite [kwaIt] вполне
smooth [smüD] гладкий
plane [pleIn] самолёт
to come [köm] приходить, приле­тать, приезжать
came [keIm] пришел, прилетел, приехал
on time [taIm] во время
how [hau] как
to like [laik] нравиться, любить
How do you like it? Как вам это нравится?
much [mötS] много
snow [snow] снег
around [@'raund] вокруг
winter ['wIInt@] зима
different ['dIfr@nt] различный, разный
milder ['maIld@] мягче
It is much milder. Погода намного мягче.
England ['iÎgl@nd] Англия
Have you ever been to England? Вы когда-нибудь были в Англии?
to repeat [rI'pÖt] повторять
Will you repeat it, please. Повторите, пожа­луйста.
English ['IÎglIS] английский
enough [I'nöf] достаточно
My English is not good enough. Я не очень хорошо знаю английский.
I am afraid ... Боюсь, ...
yet [jet] пока, ещё
but [böt] но
to plan [pl{n] планировать
I am planning... Я планирую ...
summer [‘söm@] лето
in summer летом
as [@z] в качестве, как
as a tourist в качестве туриста, как турист
to think [TIÎk] думать
1 think so. Думаю, да.
here [hI@] здесь
Here is the hotel. Вот и гостиница.
Here is the car. Вот и наша машина.
Here is Mr. Hill. Вот и г-н Хилл.
to help [help] помогать
suitcase ['sju:tkeIs] чемодан
Let me help you with the suitcase. Разрешите ваш че­модан?
kind [kaInd] добрый, любезный
That's very kind of you. Вы очень любезны.



1. Read the following (Прочитайте следующее):

• Pete here

see yet

get very

let men

help step


• the centre the suitcase

the centre of Moscow the hotel

the flight the parking area

• That's kind of you. Thanks.

That's very kind of you. Thank you. I think you.

• They are in the car. Our winter is different.

Here is the hotel. Our summer is different.

2. Translate into Russian (Переведите на русский язык):

The businessmen are in the car.

They are going to the center of Moscow.

They are going to the Russia hotel.

They are speaking English.

They speak about the flight. They speak about Russian winter. They speak about English winter. They speak about Nisk's plans to visit England.

3. Match English and Russian equivalents (Подберите английским фразам русские эквиваленты):

Did you have a good flight? Мне нравится русская зима.
The flight was quite smooth. Наша зима совсем другая.
I'm glad the plane came on time. Вам нравится, когда столь­ко снега вокруг?
How do you like so much snow around? Я планирую поехать в Анг лию летом.
I like Russian winter. Вы когда-нибудь были в Англии?
Our winter is different. Полет был вполне спокой­ным.
Have you ever been to Eng­land? Я рад, что самолет прибыл вовремя.
I'm planning to go to Eng­land in summer Вы хорошо долетели?

4. Make sentences and translate them into Russian (Составьте пред ложения и переведите их на русский язык):

Did you have a good trip David

very good Mr. Hill

The flight was good

very good


quite smooth

'Im glad the plane came on time

very glad

so glad

How do you like Russian winter

so much snow in Moscow

so much snow around

Russian summer

English summer

English winter

• I like

Russian winter

this snow around

English winter too


• Our





is much milder

• Have you ever been to





• I'm planning to go to





in summer

in winter

5. Insert prepositions (Заполните пропуски предлогами):

Nick is planning to go ... England ... summer. He is planning to go as a tourist.

Mr. Hill had a good time. The flight was quite smooth. The plane came ... time.

Have you ever been ... London?

Let me help you ... the suitcase.

That's very kind ... you.

6. Translate into English (Переведите на английский язык):

Вы хорошо долетели?

Да, полет был вполне спокойным.

Я рад, что самолет прибыл вовремя.

Как вам нравится так много снега вокруг?

Я люблю русскую зиму.

Наша зима совсем другая.

Она намного мягче.

Повторите, пожалуйста.

Я еще не знаю английский достаточно хорошо.

Разрешите помочь вам донести чемодан?

Спасибо, вы очень любезны.

7. Complete the following dialogues and act out similar ones (Дополните следующие диалоги необходимыми словами и разыграйте ана­логичные диалоги):

Р.: Did you have a good... Mr. Hill?

D:. Oh, yes, the flight... And I'm glad the plane...

P.: And how do you like... snow...?

D.: Oh, I like Russian... Our... is different. It is...

D.: Have you ever been..., Nick?

N.: Will you...? My English...

D.: Have you... London?

N.: No, not yet. But...

D.: As a...

N .: I think...

P.: Here... hotel. Let me help...

D.: Thank you. That's...

Unit three

The Russia hotel


The car has brought Pete, Nick and David to the Russia hotel. Now they are in the lounge of the hotel.

Pete: Just a minute, David. I'll speak to the receptionist. We made a reservation last week... Will you fill in this form, please?

David fills in the form, comes up to the receptionist and hands in the form.

David: Here you are. Is everything all right?

Receptionist: ... Yes, everything is OK... Your room number is five о two. Here is your key.

David: Thank you.

Receptionist: You are welcome. Have a nice stay.

David: Thanks.

Pete: David, will you join us for dinner to-night?

David: I'll be glad to.

Pete: Fine. Then we'll meet you here at seven sharp. And, if you don't mind. we shall have dinner at the hotel restaurant. It's not bad at all.

David: Thank you for the invitation. See you later.

Words and expressions

(Слова и выражения)

three [TrÖ] три (числ.)
to check in ['tSek'In] регистрироваться при приезде в гостиницу
checking in регистрация
to bring [brIÎ] привозить, доставлять, приносить
The car has broiight them to the hotel. Автомобиль доставил их в гостиницу.
now [nau] сейчас, теперь
lounge [laun³] холл
Just a minute! Одну минуту!
receptionist [rI'sepS@nIst] администратор, реги­стратор (в гостинице)
I'll speak to the receptionist. [,rez@'veISn] Я поговорю с админи­стратором.
to make a reservation заказать гостиницу
last [l¸st] последний, прошлый
week [wi:k] неделя
last week на прошлой неделе
We made a reservation last week. Мы заказали гостини­цу на прошлой неделе.
to fill in заполнить
this [DIs] этот
form [fþm] форма

Will you fill in this form,


Заполните, пожалуй­ста, вот эту форму.
- s [s, z] (окончание, указываю­щее на 3-е лицо ед. ч.)
He fills in the form. Он заполняет форму.
to come up to подходить
He comes up to the recep­tionist. Он подходит к адми­нистратору.
to hand in the form сдать форму
He hands in the form. Он сдает / отдает форму.
Here you are. Вот, пожалуйста.
everything ['evrIDIÎ] всё
all right ['þl 'raIt] в порядке
Is everything all right? Всё в порядке?
your [jþ] ваш
room [rüm] комната, номер в гос­тинице
number ['nömb@] номер
your room number номер вашей комнаты
five о two ['faIv' ou 'tü] 502
key [ki:] ключ
You are welcome. Добро пожаловать. Пожалуйста.
nice [naIs] приятный
stay [steI] пребывание
Have a nice stay! Приятного пребыва­ния!
to stay пребывать, находить­ся, жить
Thanks. [D{Îks] Спасибо.
to join [³oIn] присоединяться
dinner ['dIn@] обед, ужин
Will you join us for dinner? Не поужинаете вместе с нами?
to-night [t@'naIt] сегодня вечером
I'll be glad to. = I'D be glad to [gl{d] С удовольствием.
join you.
fine [faIn] прекрасный
Fine. Прекрасно.
then [Den] затем
We'll meet you. Мы встретим вас.
seven ['sev@n] семь (числ.)
sharp [S¸p] острый
at seven sharp ровно в 7
to mind [maInd] возражать, иметь что-либо против
if [If] если
If you don't mind... Если вы не возражаете...
to have dinner обедать, ужинать
We shall have dinner... Мы будем ужинать ...
restaurant ['rest@rþÎ] ресторан
at the restaurant в ресторане
bad [b{d] плохой
at all [@t 'þl] вообще, совсем
It's not bad at all. Он совсем неплох.
invitation [,InvI'teISn] приглашение
to invite [In'vaIt] приглашать
See you later. До встречи.



1. Read the following (Прочитайте следующее):

• nice it will
fine is fill in
invite if dinner
Nick minute first
• the receptionist then
to fill in the form this
to hand in the form the invitation

• Is everything OK?

Is everything all right?

Everything is OK.

Everything is all right.

• The businessmen are in the lounge.

They are in the lounge of the hotel.

2. Translate into Russian (Переведите на русский язык):

The car brought the businessmen to the Russia hotel.

They speak to the receptionist and Mr. Hill fills in the form.

Then Mr. Hill comes up to the receptionist and hands in the form.

Everything is all right.

Mr. Hill receives the key to his room.

His room number is 502.

Pete invites Mr. Hill to dinner.

Mr. Hill is glad to join Pete and Nick for dinner.

They will have dinner at the restaurant of the hotel.

Mr. Hill thanks Pete for the invitation.

3. Match English and Russian equivalents (Подберите английским фразам русские эквиваленты):

Just a minute. Мы заказывали номер на прошлой неделе.
I'll speak to the receptionist. Одну минуту.
We made a reservation last week. Я поговорю с администрато­ром.
Will you fill in this form, please? Все в порядке?
Here you are. Вот ваш ключ.
Is everything all right? Пожалуйста.
Here is your key. Вот, пожалуйста.
You are welcome. Хорошего вам отдыха.
Have a nice stay. Заполните, пожалуйста, эту форму.

4. Complete the following sentences (Дополните необходимыми словами следующие предложения):

The car has brought the businessmen... the Russia hotel.

Now they are... the lounge of... hotel.

They speak... the receptionist.

Last week the Russian businessmen... a reservation for Mr. Hill.

5. Complete Pete's words (Дополните предложения словами, кото­рые произнес Петр):

Just a minute, David. I'll ... We made ... Will you fill ...?

6. Complete the dialogue and make a similar one (Дополните диалог необходимыми словами и разыграйте аналогичный диалог):

D.: Here you are. Is everything ...?

R.: Yes, everything ... Your room ... Here is ...

D.: Thank you.

R.: You ... Have ...

D.: Thanks.

7. Make sentences and translate them into Russian (Составьте пред­ложения и переведите их на русский язык):

• Will you join us for dinner Can we invite you to dinner to-night
• I'll be


very glad

to join you
• We'll meet you here

at seven

at seven sharp

• If you don't mind we shall
have dinner

here at the restaurant

at the restaurant of the hotel

• It is good
very good
so good
not bad
not bad at all
• Thank you for

the invitation

inviting me

• See you

at seven


8. Translate into English (Переведите на английский язык):

Можно пригласить вас на ужин?

Мы встретим вас здесь в 7.00.

Если не возражаете, мы поужинаем в ресторане гостиницы.

Спасибо за приглашение.

9. Complete the dialogues and act out similar ones (Дополните диа­логи необходимыми словами и разыграйте аналогичные):

Р.: Just a minute, David. I'll speak to ... Will you fill in ...

D.: Here ... Is everything ...

R. : Everything is OK. Your room number ... Here ... key

D.: ...

R. : You are ... Have a nice ...

P.: Will you join us ...?

D.: I'll ...

P. : Fine. Then we'll meet ... And if you don't ... It's not bad at all.

D.: Thank ... See ...

Unit four

At the restaurant


It is seven sharp. Pete and David are in the lounge.

Pete: Good evening, David.

David: Good evening, Pete.

It is two minutes past seven. They see Nick.

Nick: Good evening. I'm late, I'm afraid. I do apologise.

David: Good evening. That's all right.

Pete: Good evening. Follow me please, gentlemen.

They go to the restaurant. The head waiter comes up to them and offers them one of the vacant tables.

Pete: Do you like this table, David?

David: It looks all right.

Pete: Then let's take it... Here is the menu...

David: Oh, it's in English too. How very nice.

Pete: What would you like to drink?

David: Gin and tonic for me, please.

Nick: And what would you like as a starter?

David: Your English is very good. Some cold fish, I think.

Nick: Thank you for the compliment. I'll tell my teacher about it. And what would you like as a hot meal?

David: Some meat and vegetables.

Pete: And here are our drinks... I'm very glad to see you in Moscow, David. I still remember my Christmas days in London. Now you are welcome to Moscow. To our good business!

David: I do hope our business will be beneficial for all of us.

Words and expressions

four [fþ] четыре (числ.)
going to the restaurant посещение ресторана
evening ['ÖvniÎ] вечер
Good evening. Добрый вечер.
past [p¸st] после
It's two minutes past seven. Сейчас две минуты восьмого.
to apologise [@'pol@³aIz] извиняться, просить прощения
I do apologise. Простите ради бога.
That's a ll right. Ничего, все в порядке.
gentleman ['³entlm@n] джентельмен
gentlemen ['³entlm@n] джентельмены
head [hed] главный
waiter ['weIt@] официант
head waiter метрдотель
to offer ['of@] предлагать
them [D@m] им
vacant ['veIk@nt] свободный
table [teIbl] стол
Do you like it? Вам нравится (этот стол)?
to look [luk] выглядеть
It looks all right. Вполне нормальный.
to take the table садиться за стол
Let's take this table. Давайте сядем за этот столик.
menu ['menjü] меню
in English на английском языке
How very nice. [naIs] Как это чудесно / мило.
what [wot] что
to drink [drIÎk] пить
What would you like to drink? Какие напитки вы хо­тите?
gin and tonic ['³In @n 'tounIk] джин с тоником
starter ['st¸t@] холодная закуска
as a starter на закуску
some [s@m] некоторое количество
cold [kould] холодный
fish [fIS] рыба
some fish немного рыбы
compliment ['komplIment] комплимент
to tell [tel] говорить
teacher ['tÖtS@] учитель, преподаватель

I'll tell my teacher about


Я скажу об этом своему преподавателю.
hot [hot] горячий
meal [mÖl] еда
What would you like as a hot meal? Что вы хотите на горя­чее?
meat [mÖt] мясо
vegetables ['ve³t@blz] овощи
drink [drIÎk] напиток
Here are our drinks. А вот и наши напитки.
still [stIl] всё еще
to remember [rI'memb@] помнить
Christmas ['krIsm@s] Рождество
day [deI] день
You are welcome to Mos­cow. Добро пожаловать в Москву.
business ['bIznIs] бизнес, дело
To our good business! За наш бизнес!
to hope [houp] надеяться
I do hope... Я очень надеюсь ...
beneficial ['benI'fISl] выгодный, полезный
Our business will be bene­ Наш бизнес будет очень
ficial. полезным (выгодным).
us [ös] нам, нас
for all of us для всех нас


1. Read the following:

• go not port
hope compliment airport
hello apologise form
so follow

• the lounge

in the lounge



to the restaurant

one of the vacant tables

this table

• Here is the menu.

Here are our drinks.

They are in the lounge of the hotel.

Your English is very good.

• I do apologise.

I do hope our business will be beneficial.

2. Translate into Russian:

It's seven sharp.

The Russian businessmen are in the lounge.

At two minutes past seven they see David.

They all say good evening and go to the restaurant.

They order some drinks, starters and hot meals.

They have a drink to their good beneficial business.

3. Match English and Russian equivalents:

Good evening. Прошу прощения.
I'm late I'm afraid. Ничего, все в порядке.
I do apologise. Добрый вечер.
That's all right. Я, кажется, опоздал.
Follow me, please. Вам нравится этот столик?
The head waiter comes up to them. По-моему, вполне нормальный (столик).
The head waiter offers them one of the vacant tables. Проходите, пожалуйста, за мной.
Do you like this table? К ним подходит метрдотель.
It looks all right. Метрдотель предлагает им один из свободных столи­ков.

4. Complete the dialogues and act out similar ones:

• P.: Good..., David.

D. : Good..., Pete.

N. : Good.... I'm late... I do...

D. : Good... That's...

P. : Good... Follow...

• P. : Do you like...?

D. : It looks...

P. : Then let's...

5. Make sentences and translate them into Russian:

• Here is

the menu

the form

the car

the hotel

• It's in Russian English too
• How very



• What would you like

to drink

to have as a starter

• Would you like

a drink

gin and tonic

some cold fish

some meat

some vegetables

• Your English is

quite good

very good

• Thank you for

the compliment

your compliment

your kind words

• I will tell my teacher about


your words

your compliment

• I still remember Christ­mas days

in London

in England

in Britain

in ...

• You are welcome

to Moscow

to Russia

to ...

• To our

good very good


business friendship
• I do hope our business will be

very good


beneficial for all of us

6. Translate into English:

• Вот, пожалуйста, меню. • Вы хорошо говорите по-

Что бы вы хотели выпить? английски.

Что бы вы хотели на закуску? Вы хорошо говорите по-

Что вы хотите на горячее? русски.

Спасибо за комплимент.

7. Complete the dialogues and act out similar ones:

P.: Here is the ...

D.: Oh, ... English too.

P.: What ... drink?

D. : ... for me, please.

N:. And what ... starter?

D.: Your English ... Some cold ..., I think.

N.: Thank ... I will tell my teacher ... And what ... as a hot meal?

D. : Some ...

P.: And here ... drinks. I'm very glad to ... I still remember ... in London. Now you ... to Moscow. To our ...!

D.: I do hope ... for all of us.

8. Представьте, что вы пригласили англичанина в ресторан. Разы­грайте короткие диалоги:

• Вы встречаете его около ресторана.

• Вы выбираете столик.

• Вы заказываете ужин.

• Вы произносите тосты.

Unit five

Small talk


Pete, Nick and David are still at the restaurant. They are enjoying their meal and have a small talk.

Pete: David, is this your first visit to Moscow?

David: Oh, no. 1 was in Moscow last year. I like your city very much. It's a pity my sister is not with me now. She wanted to go so much.

Nick: And why didn't she join you? Is she busy?

David: Well, you see, she could not leave her office, her boss did not let her go. They are working at a very important proj­ect now. And have you got a sister or a brother, Nick?

Nick: Oh, yes. I have a brother. He is on holiday in the mountains.

Pete: Oh, really? My elder daughter is also in the mountains in Chechia now. She is fond of skiing and goes to the mountains every winter.

David: Have you got a big family?

Pete: I wouldn't say so. There are five of us. Two daughters, a son, my wife and I.

David: Quite an English family!

Words and expressions

five [faIv] пять (числ.)
small [smþl] маленький
talk [tþk] разговор
small talk светский разговор
to have a small talk говорить на светские темы вести светские беседы
to enjoy [In'³OI] получать удовольствие
their [De@] их

They are enjoying their


Они с удовольствием по­ужинали.
visit ['vIzIt] посещение,визит
a visit to Moscow посещение Москвы
to visit Moscow посещать Москву
no [nou] нет
Oh, no. 0, нет.
year [jI@] год
last year в прошлом году
I was in Moscow last year. Я был в Москве в про­шлом году.
city ['sItI] город
very much очень
1 like it very much. Он (город) мне очень нравится.
It's a pity. Жаль.
sister ['sIst@] сестра
she [SÖ] она
to want [wont] хотеть
She wanted to go. Она хотела поехать (со мной).
why [waI] почему
Why didn't she join you? Почему же она не поеха­ла с вами?
to be busy ['bIzI] быть занятым, иметь
много дел
Well, you see, ... Ну, видите ли ...
can мочь
could [kud] мог
to leave [lÖv] покидать, уезжать из ...
her её
office ['ofIs] офис
her office её офис
to leave the office уехать с работы, оставить работу
She could not leave the of­ Она не смогла оставить
fice. работу.
to let разрешать
Her boss did not let her go. Начальник не отпустил её.
to work [wýk] работать
They are working at the problem. Они сейчас работают над этой проблемой.
important [Im'pþt@nt] важный
project ['pro³@kt] проект
to have got иметь
Have you got a sister? У вас есть сестра?
brother брат
to be on holiday отдыхать, быть в отпуске
He is on holiday. Он в отпуске.
mountain ['mauntIn] гора
in the mountains в горах
really ['rI@lI] действительно, в самом
деле, разве
Oh, really? 0, неужели?
elder ['eld@] старший
daughter ['dþt@] дочь
also ['þlsou] тоже
to be fond of увлекаться
skiing ['skIIÎ] катание на лыжах
She is fond of skiing. Она любит лыжный
to ski кататься на лыжах
skis лыжи
every ['evrI] каждый
big большой
family ['f{mIlI] семья
I would not say so. Я бы этого не сказал.
There are five of us. Нас пятеро.
wife [waIf] жена
Quite an English family! Настоящая английская семья!


1. Read the following:

• small, talk •' at the restaurant
all, all right in the mountains
for all of us to the mountains
• It this your first visit to Mos- • She could not leave her office.
cow? Have you got a sister or a
Is she busy? brother?
She goes to the mountains My daughter is also in the
every winter. mountains.
There are five of us.

2. Translate into Russian:

The businessmen are still at the restaurant.

They are enjoying their meal and have a small talk.

They speak about Moscow and about their families.

David has got a sister.

Nick has got a brother.

Pete has got a son and a wife.

There are five people in Pete's family.

David says it's a typical English family.

There are usually five people in an English family.

Спряжение глагола to be

Настоящее простое время (Present Indefinite)

I am You are

He/ She/ It is=He/ She/ it's

We/ You/ They are

Прошедшее простое время (Past Indefinite)


You were

He/She/It was

We/ You/ They were

Будущее простое время (Future Indefinite)

Ishall be = I'll be

You will be = you'll be

He/ She/ It will be = He/ She/ It'll be

Настоящее совершенное время (Present Perfect)

We have been

You have been

They have been

3. Underline the verb to be and translate the following sentences into Russian:

They are still at the restaurant.

She is not with me now.

Is she busy?

He is on holiday in the mountains.

My elder daughter is also in the mountains.

She is fond of skiing.

There are five of us.

This is my family.

I was in Moscow last year.

Nick and Pete are Russian businessmen.

One day they were at the Sheremetievo airport.

Have you been to London?

Have you been to England?

Now the businessmen are at the restaurant.

4. Make sentences and translate them into Russian:

• They are enjoying their meal their small talk their meal
• It this your first visit to Moscow
New York
New Zealand
• I was in Moscow last year
• I like Moscow
your city
Russian winter
English summer
• I have got a sister
a brother
a wife
a family
• It's a pity he is not with me now
they are

5. Complete the dialogue and act out a similar one:

P.: David, is this your first...?

D.: Oh no,... last year. I like... It's a pity my sister... She wanted... so much.

6. Write down everything that Pete said about his sister.

7. Complete the dialogues and act out similar ones:

D.: Have you got a sister...?

N.: Oh, yes. I have... He is on... mountains.

D.: Oh, really? My elder daughter is also... Chechia now. She... skiing and goes...

D.: • Have you got...?

P.: I wouldn't... There are... Two daughters...

D.: Quite... family!

8. Answer the following questions using the prompts:

• Have you got a sister or a brother?

(Yes, t have...)

• Have you got a big family?

(1 wouldn 't say so. There are...)

- prompts — подсказки

Unit six

Making an appointment


The three gentlemen have enjoyed their dinner and they are pre­paring to leave the restaurant:

Pete: Thank you for the nice evening, David.

David: Likewise. I enjoyed everything very much. And I liked the orchestra. I like Russian music immensely.

Pete: Very often they play English songs here. They sound su­ perb.

David: Then I was lucky to listen to Russian songs tonight. They are more than beautiful....

The waiter comes up to Pete and hands the bill over to him.

David: Oh, let me pay the bill, Pete.

Pete: Oh, no. It will be my pleasure... And when can you come to our office tomorrow?

David: Will ten o'clock be convenient to you?

Pete: Fine. Then Nick will pick you up tomorrow at ten to ten in the lounge.

David: OK. See you tomorrow then.

Nick: Good-bye. See you tomorrow. I won't be late I promise.

David: I hope I won't be late either.

Pete: Have a good sleep. See you tomorrow.

Words and expressions

six [sIks] шесть (числ.)
to make an appointment [@'poIntm@nt] договориться о встрече
making an appointment договоренность о встрече
They have enjoyed their dinner. Они с удовольствием по­ужинали.
to prepare [рrI'ре@] готовить (ся)
They are preparing to leave the restaurant. Они готовятся уходить из ресторана.
Likewise. ['laIkwaIz] зд. И я благодарю вас.
orchestra ['þkIstr@] оркестр
1 liked the orchestra. Мне понравился оркестр.
music ['mjüzik] музыка
immensely [I'menslI] очень, чрезвычайно
often ['ofn] часто
to play играть
song [soÎ] песня
to play a song исполнять песню
to sound [saund] звучать
superb [sjü'pýb] великолепно
They sound superb. Они исполняли это
to be lucky ['lökI] иметь удачу
I was lucky. Мне повезло.
to listen [lIsn] слушать
to listen to a song слушать песню
more более, больше
more than больше чем
beautiful ['bju:t@ful] красивый
bill счет
to hand the bill over to ... передать счет ...
to pay платить
Let me pay the bill. Разрешите мне оплатить счет.
pleasure ['pleZ@] удовольствие
It will be my pleasure. Я это сделаю с большим удовольствием сам.
tomorrow [t@'morou] завтра
When can you come to our office tomorrow? Вы можете приехать в наш офис завтра?
ten десять (числ.)
o'clock часов
convenient [k@n'vInj@nt] удобный
Will ten o'clock be con­ 10 часов вас устраивает?
venient to you?
to pick lip заезжать за ...
He will pick you up at Он заедет за вами на ма­
ten. шине завтра в 10 часов.
See you tomorrow. До завтра.
to promise [promIs] обещать
either ['aID@] тоже (в отрицат. предло­
I won't be late either. Я тоже не опоздаю.
I won't come either. Я тоже не приеду.
I am iiot a teacher either. Я тоже не преподаватель.
I didn't see him either. Я тоже не видел его.
sleep сон
Have a good sleep. Спокойной ночи.


1. Read the following:

• evening • skiing
everything going
preparing inviting
working shaking
• either • I liked the orchestra.
three gentlemen Thank you for the nice evening.
the three gentlemen I won't be late either.
their dinner They sound superb.
They have enjoyed their din­ner.

• to leave the restaurant

They are preparing to leave the restaurant.

They have enjoyed their dinner.

We enjoyed everything very much.

He hands the bill over to Pete.

2. Translate into Russian:

The three businessmen have enjoyed their dinner and now they are preparing to leave the restaurant.

Pete thanks David for the nice evening.

David thanks him too.

He liked the Russian music at the restaurant.

Then David pays the bill.

Then they discuss when they will meet tomorrow.

They will meet at ten.

Nick will pick up David in the lounge at 10 to 10.

3. Underline the verb to be in the following sentences. Translate the sen­tences into Russian:

They have been at the restaurant for some time.

David was lucky to listen to Russian songs that night.

The songs were more than beautiful.

It will be my pleasure to pay the bill.

Will ten o'clock be convenient to you?

I won't be late.

I have never been to the Russia hotel. I have never been to London.

4. Match English and Russian equivalents:


I like Russian music im­mensely.

They sound superb.

Они звучат прекрасно.

Они более чем красивые.

Мне посчастливилось послушать русские песни.

I was lucky to listen to Rus­sian songs. И мне тоже (И я тоже).
They are more than beautiful. Я очень люблю русскую музыку.

5. Complete the dialogue and act out a similar one:

P.: Thank you for ...

D.: L ... I enjoyed ... the orchestra. I ... immensely.

P. : Very often... songs. They sound ...

D .: Then I was lucky ... tonight. They ... beautiful.

6. Translate into English the short dialogues:

- short — короткий

• — Разрешите, я заплачу по счету.

— Нет, что вы. Я сам заплачу с удовольствием.

• — Когда вы завтра сможете приехать к нам в офис?

— Вам удобно в 10 часов?

— Да, прекрасно.

7. Complete the dialogue and act out a similar one:

P.: Then Nick will pick ... lounge.

D.: OK. See ... then.

N.: Good-bye. See ... I won't...

D.: I hope I won't ... either.

P. : Have a good ... tomorrow.

8. Представьте, что вы обедаете в ресторане с англичанином.

• Какие предложения из диалога вы бы использовали? Вы­пишите их.

• Запишите предложения, которые бы вы использовали до­полнительно.

• Разыграйте этот диалог с кем-нибудь, кто будет исполнять роль англичанина.

Unit seven



The next day at exactly nine o'clock Pete comes to his office. He knows that he should refresh the correspondence with David and prepare for the talks he will have with David at ten. First he starts looking through all the letters and faxes of Mr. Hill.

Here is the the recent fax message of Mr. Hill:

Then Pete looks through the letters of the participants of the Pro­gramme expressing their wishes and requests. He makes a note that he should discuss the following details with Mr. Hill:

• time

• hotel accommodation

• topics to be discusssed at the lectures

• business visits

• programme fee

Words and expressions

seven семь (числ.)
a business talk деловые переговоры
to have a business talk проводить/иметь деловые переговоры
to prepare for a business talk готовиться к деловым переговорам
next следующий
the next day на следующий день
exactly [Ik'z{ktlI] точно
nine девять (числ.)
at exactly nine o'clock ровно в 9 часов
his его
his office его офис
to know [nou] знать
He knows that. Он это знает.
to refresh [rI'freS] освежать (в памяти)
He should refresh it. Он должен освежить это в памяти.
correspondence [,korIs'pond@ns] переписка
to start начинать
to look through ['luk 'Trü] просматривать

He starts looking through

the correspondence.

Он начинает просматри­вать переписку.
letter письмо
fax = fax message факс
message ['mes@³] послание (письменное или устное)
recent ['rÖs@nt] недавний
international международный
management менеджмент
development развитие
Ltd. = ltd. компания с ограничен­ной ответственностью
general ['³enar@l] генеральный, общий
director директор
twenty second двадцать второй (числ.)
February февраль
the twenty second of February 22 февраля
dear уважаемый, дорогой
Dear Mr.... Уважаемый г-н ...
Re Относительно
November ноябрь
programme программа
banker ['b{Îk@] банковский работник, бан­кир
foreign ['forIn] иностранный
trade [treId] торговля
foreign trade внешняя торговля
foreign trade business­men специалисты внешней торговли
to be delighted очень радоваться
to inform сообщать
1 am delighted to inform you that ... Рад сообщить, что ...
Monday понедельник
the twenty eighth of... двадцать восьмое
night [naIt] ночь, вечер
I shall be leaving for St. Petersburg ... Я уезжаю в Санкт-Петер­бург ...
I shall be staying at... Я останавливаюсь в ...
train поезд
by train на поезде
during во время
Thursday ['TýsdI] четверг
on the third of ... третьего
March март
at your disposal в вашем распоряжении
to discuss [dIs'kös] обсуждать
discussion обсуждение
at your convenience как вам будет удобно
to receive получать
I have received your let­ter Я получил ваше письмо
proposal предложение
I look forward to ... С нетерпением жду
comment ['kom@nt] замечание
kind regards с уважением (в конце письма)
Yours sincerely ['jþz sin'sI@lI] Ваш
participant [p¸ 'tIsIp@nt] участник
to express выражать
the letter expressing ... письмо, в котором выра­жается
wish пожелание
request [rI'kwest] просьба
to make a note делать пометка
He makes a note that he should discuss . Он делает пометку, что он должен обсудить .
following следующий
detail деталь, вопрос
accommodation [@,kom@'deISn] размещение, проживание
topic вопрос
topic to be discussed вопрос, который нужно обсудить
lecture ]lektS@] лекция
at the lecture на лекции
fee плата
the programme fee плата за эту программу (за обучение)


1. Underline the sentence true to the text:

• Pete and Nick prepare for the talk in the office.

Nick prepares for the talk in the office.

Pete prepares for the talk in the office.

• The preparations start at seven o'clock.

The preparations start at eight o'clock.

The preparations start at nine o'clock.

• The preparations start with looking through letters to Mr. Hill.

The preparations start with looking through letters of Mr. Smirnov.

The preparations start with looking through letters of Mr. Hill.

2. Translate into Russian:

He refreshes the correspondence with David.

He knows that he should refresh the correspondence.

He knows that he should prepare for the talks.

He will have the talks with David at ten.

He knows that he should refresh the correspondence with

David and prepare for the talks he will have with David at ten.

3. Find equivalents in the fax message:

- find — находить

Касательно ноябрьской программы.

Рад сообщить Вам, что приезжаю в Москву в понедельник 28 февраля.

Я пробуду в Москве трое суток.

В четверг 3 марта я еду в Санкт-Петербург.

Я остановлюсь в гостинице "Россия".

Я в Вашем распоряжении в любое удобное для Вас время для деловых переговоров.

Надеюсь, что Вы получили наше предложение. Жду Вашего мнения.

4. Translate the fax message into Russian.

5. Complete the fax message:


I am delighted to inform you that I am coming to ... I shall stay in.

and I shall be leaving ... I shall be staying at ... I shall be at your ... convenience

I hope that you have received . and look forward to receiving .

Kind ..

. . sincerely,

6. Write a similar fax message, changing the dates and names.

7. Translate into Russian:

Pete looks through the correspondence with Mr. Hill.

Then Pete looks through the letters of the participants.

The letters express wishes and requests of the participants.

Pete makes a note what details he should discuss.

He should discuss time, accommodation, lectures, visits and fee.

8. Write out the sentences starting with the following words and trans­late them into Russian:

I shall be staying ...

I shall be leaving ...

I shall be discussing ...

I shall be visiting ...

Unit eight

A business talk


At exactly ten to ten Nick enters the Russia hotel and sees David in the lounge. They exchange gleetings and go to the car. A few minutes later they come to Pete's office. Now they are entering the office:

Pete: Good morning, David. I hope you had a good sleep and liked the hotel.

David: Thank you. The hotel and the restaurant are all right. We had a very nice evening at the restaurant. Everything was fine.

Pete: I also enjoyed last night. Now, shall we get down to business?

David: Yes, certainly. There are a few points to discuss. What would you like to start with?

Pete: If you don't mind, let's start with the time of the Pro­gramme. We are planning to send a group of ten per­sons not later than on the 10th of November.

David: How long will they stay?

Pete: They prefer to be in London for eight days or seven nights.

David: Good. Have you got any comments on the topics of the lectures?

Pete: On the whole the participants are quite satisfied with your choice. But if you could add "Accounting in com­panies and banks" it will be very good.

David: No problem. I'm making a note of that. We have got a very good lecturer.

Pete: And where will the lectures be read?

David: In one of the conference rooms of the hotel, where they will stay. I mean the Sherlock Holmes Hotel in Baker Street.

Pete: I hope it is in the centre of London.

David: Oh yes. It is very close to Oxford Street and Madam Tussaud's.

Pete: Very good. Then let's make a break for lunch.

David: Not a bad idea!

Words and expressions

eight [eIt] восемь (числ.)
to enter ['ent@] входить
to enter the room входить в комнату
to enter the hotel входить в гостиницу
to exchange [Iks'tSeIn³] обменивать (ся)
greetings ['grÖtIÎz] приветствия
to greet приветствовать
a few minutes later несколько минут спустя, через несколько минут
He had a good sleep. Он хорошо поспал.
Have a good sleep. Спокойной ночи.
last night вчера вечером
to get down to business перейти к делу
Shall we get down to business? Переходим к делу?
certainly ['sýtnlI] конечно
There are a few points to discuss. Нужно обсудить несколь­ко вопросов.
to start начинать
What would you like to start with? С чего вы хотели бы на­чать?
to send отправлять
group [grüp] группа
person [рýsn] человек